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Undergraduate Education

General Education Competencies 

"The Human Community is an essential part of every undergraduate degree program offered at JMU. Its learning outcomes are organized into five areas of study that we call clusters. Courses in each cluster have been designed by JMU faculty to meet the specific outcomes associated with that area. In order to graduate, each student must complete all five clusters, which typically comprise one-third of a student’s coursework, about 41 credit hours."


Cluster One: Skills for the 21st Century 

GCOM 123: Fundamental Human Communication
GBUS 160: Business Decision Making in Modern Society 
GWRTC 103: Critical Reading & Writing 


Cluster Two: Arts & Humanities 

GARTH 205: Survey of World Art, Prehistoric - Renaissance 
GENG 248: Survey of American Literature, Civil War - Modern   
GHIST 101: World History - 1550


Cluster Three: Natural World

MATH 107: Fundamentals of Mathematics
GSCI 161: Science Processes 

GSCI 162: Science of the Planets

GSCI 163: The Matter of Matter

GSCI 164: Physical Science: Learning Through Teaching 

GSCI 165: The Way Life Works

Cluster Four: Social & Cultural Processes 

GHIST 225: U.S. History 
GECON 220: Macroeconomics 


Cluster Five: Individuals in the Human Community 

GHTH 101: Personal Wellness
GPSYC 160: Life Span Human Develop

Major Curriculum

Communication Studies Core

SCOM 240: Introduction to Communication Theory
SCOM 241: Communication Theory Lab

SCOM 242: Presentational Speaking 

SCOM 280: Introduction to Communication Research 
SCOM 341: Persuasion 
SCOM 394: Core Assesment in Communication Studies 


General Communication Studies Concentration

SCOM 320: Interpersonal Communication

SCOM 383: Quantitative Research Methods 

SCOM 350: Organizational Communication
SCOM 358: Business & Professional Communication 
SCOM 450: Advanced Studies in Organizational Communication 


Communication Studies Electives 

SCOM 260: Introduction to Public Relations 
SCOM 390: Practicum in Communication Studies [Developing & Planning the SCOM Senior Banquet]

SCOM 395: Study Abroad [Multimedia Journalism in Urbino, Italy]

SCOM 551: Fundamentals in Environmental Communication and Advoccy


Bachelor of Science, B.S. 

SOCI 341: Sociology of Education
MATH 220: Elementary Statistics 


©Kendall L. McNamee 2016

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